July 13, 2010

Long before there ever was a World War Z and long before this recent obsession with zombies people seem to find themselves afflicted with I had recurring nightmares. From a young age till about the age of fourteen I dreamt about zombies. Perhaps it was my father's obsession with monster movies and his desire to mess with us with a recitation of "They're coming to get you Barbara" at every chance he got (the fact he referred to me or my brothers as a female in that quote only added to the weirdness and terror of it) or maybe it was living in an "ancient" 1905 farm house in the middle of nowhere. The fear could also have been bred from toilet training with the "Thriller" video/movie playing in the background. Whatever it was, at some point I embraced my fear and began drawing zombies. I did most of these years ago including the Zombie World War one. I find it really easy to draw ugly things. Enjoy the art. More to come.


Andrea Krummel said...

you're awesome :) i don't think i've seen some of these before...

Goggled Hero said...

Oh gosh. *kiss*